Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Montauk Monster Is a (Vulpes Vulpes) No UFO, No Bulls#*t...

Ok my friend you have been pretty persistent on this raccoon thing, and in a way you maybe right if the jaw of the tanned animal is used as evidence, but what if there was a misinformation operation going on say like a conspiracy theory? And they wanted you and I to think it was an ordinary raccoon and not something a bit more embarrassing to a lot of very powerful individuals, who are playing a very exclusive and verboten game....

A most deadly game indeed ... a antiquated game leftover from the old British Empire which was justified back then on alleviating the poor farmers from varmints, by rich over lords ...right! It may have started that way but it is nothing but a sadistic sick minded cruel inhuman animal abuse in the history of the world, and yet this game has been outlawed in United Kingdom since February 18, 2005 but still going strong in her former colonies and some other countries such as Australia, Canada, France, India, Ireland, Italy, Russia and New Zealand and it is banned in Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Germany where it has been banned since July 3, 1934 by non other then the vegetarian who is responsible for world war2 and consequently the death of millions, yes you guised it Adolf Hitler himself ...yes he declared this type of activity unsporting and hence verboten javol

But here in the land of the free and home of the brave we have a few cowards, who are still practicing this sadistic and barbaric activity” my apologies to the barbarians I don’t think they even gone down this path”

This so-called game is called foxhunting but please don’t confuse this with some losers with a Wal-Mart bought cheap riffles and a 500 pack of Remington long rifle rounds which they splurge a whole $12.99 for ... running around somewhere in backcountry killing a any fox or coyote that they see, that is while they are not busy protesting at the Mexican border and calling for a wall which eventually contain their debit beat ass...

And please don’t mix foxhunting with hounds with hare coursing, as it was practiced in UK at least till February 18, 2005. Which is claimed not to be a sport but rather a way of life where dogs are used to cache a rabbit or a hare to be consumed as dinner by dog owner ...nothing wrong with that!

Of course there is big game hunting that one might want to point to, but that would be unfair because in most cases this activity is done by responsible people who not only consume the animal which is the right thing to do but never torture or abuse the tongue less creatures either for humane reasons or just practical necessities ... A bighorn can beat the living crap out of the hunter some times, no this sick activity is non of the above and neither it’s the same as some farmer taking a potshot at a fox or coyote to protect his chicken, because his dilemma can be rectified with some chicken wire that is if he’s not enjoying himself to much by challenging a small caned...no this is a game that can only be appreciated by Dahmer’s kind yes the same Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer that tortured, killed, sexually molested and then eat his victims a 15 years ago back in Ohio.

Before I formerly introduce our huntsmen friends I like to point out to some other animal cruelty practices that are up hauling but can only be stopped if we accept that, the only way to kill a serpent is to sever its head, what do I mean by this is, its like trickle down economy, but this might as well be called trickle down cruelty...

They’re are those who fin blue sharks and discard the carcass in the sea and there are people who hunt elephants for their $400 tusks and leave the body to rot in the bush, and they are losers who walk casually on floating super size iceberg which just separated from the polar icecap and indiscriminately bashes heads of seals young old or male female and yes there are those who are decimating the whale population in the name of commerce but the only ones that are confronted head on and on pubic media are the whale hunters, and the is a reason for that which take us back to the head of the serpent yes in this case that head is the japans government who is hunting The blue whale in the name of science

But most all the other animal cruelty is more complex and mostly intermingles with social injustice poverty and hopelessness which is caused by a standstill wheel of life which creativity and logical problem solving is held down by the greed lords and their counterbalancing administrators...

And yet there are about 130 official hunts “blood sport arenas” in United States of America...

Who are these people who attend these hunts? Any body with no morals, a large wad of cash that is sick enough to enjoy this so-called sport is welcomed, so long as they are discreet. The large sum of money is not for club dues, its for buying the local, national and international politicians...hey they even let them play...that is if they are good boys and girls, and once a cow crap for brains politician is photographed in a huntsman’s uniform he is as good as count Dracula’s trusty servant who can be used a Trojan virus...


Do you think they have the right to abuse helpless animas?

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